Thursday, 26 May 2011


Early this month I did a post blog stating my love for bold contrasting colours and how I have been inspired by some designers, both catwalk and high street to get bold and get on it! and trust me, Im soo on it.
My wardrobe has expanded massively since Ive been on this craze; here are a few of my latest bits

top @topshop
skirt @ river island
belt @ river island
ring @ H&M
wedges @ primark

All I want know is THIS white blazer to top it off

River Island


Sunday, 22 May 2011


So I was vintage shopping the other day and came across a Chanel scarf - I LOVE it, although Im not convinced its real, if theres any experts out there do let me know.
It was a scandalous £3! absolute steal, even if it isnt real!

In other news..

Its coming to the end of my tenancy at the place Im living at the minute, so in an attempt to make the packing less of a stress in a few weeks time I started to clear out my room. I ended up with 3 bin bags and a pile of unwanted clothes and since Im suspended from eBay (dont ask) I had no idea what to do with them! I gave a good lot to charity but some of it is just too good to give away, I sound awful but you know, good clothes dont always come cheap!

So with this in mind I started an online shop! Its only been going for 2 days, Ive had a little bit of positive feedback and Im loving it! Basically Ive used this post to advertise my own shop, as well as stating Im not giving anymore clothes to charity.
 I sound like a money grabbing bitch!

Check my shop out - Facebook; cub vintage  //  Twitter; cubVINTAGE

much appreciated x

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

80s throwback

I bought this dress from a Sheffield vintage shop for £4, absolute steal!
As much as I love this dress, the colour, the length, the elegance, theres one thing that Im unsure of - the shoulder pads.

I have a small frame and little waist and although Im all for exaggerating it, I dont know if large shoulder pads that hang over with little shape is the way to go about it. hmm

I could be a Golden Girls extra :) but I dont know if this a thing to smile about..

Monday, 9 May 2011


 Top @ Topshop
Skirt @ Primark
Heels @ Primark
Bangle @ British Heart Foundation

So the skirt photos above arent as BLOCKesque as they could be, I actually bought a lovely coral top to go with it but decided on this Topshop cutesy bicycle top today.
 I just had to show you all my new skirt. Who'd have thought Primark would introduce such a nice block coloured range.

Top @ Topshop
Shorts @ Topshop
Blazer @ H&M
Shoes @ Dorethy Perkins

This is my fave colour block outfit! The outfit totally works but the shoes finish it off for me, a year ago I dont think Id have dared wear such a statement outfit.

 Camilla Belle in Gucci

Amazing! Gucci has certainly pulled it off with this range, the glossy colours and silk pieces work perfectly.