Saturday, 11 June 2011


I love 90s grunge. I like the way Kurt Cobain dressed, I like how Alexander Wang brought it to the catalk in the 90s and made it the most iconic college look of the decade, but most of all I love how so many of us wear old school grunge in 2011.

(weheartit) (trendspotter)

If your layering, checkering, ripping, leatheringto an extent or deniming then you are sporting some 90s grunge. (Im aware some of those arent words) that on the whole, unless done to the absolute upmost of your wardrobes ability this look will be referred to as 'indie'.

Quite a statement, but I cant help but look at these girls and boys dressed in their checkered shirts, oversized tees/shirts, denim and uncombed hair etc and think hmmmmmm are you really that fashion knowledgable and experimental that youve revisited 90s grunge fashion and put that together yourself ? ...then I see how poorly its been done, I can just tell that their heart isnt it and its not a reflection of their life style much how it was for Kurt Cobain and that it is infact just a trend that they now follow that was orignally inspired by 90s grunge and that just been toned down.

No insults intended, I am guilty of this also. Id feel a cheat if I walked round like the 90s Courtney Love as Im not snorting my weight in cocaine daily and not dating a super hot music icon. I dress like this because - im lazy, its comfy, it suits me, its fashionable

Alexander Wang grunge make up tutorial

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