Sunday, 27 February 2011

Down with the dungarees!

Hello Dexys Midnight Runners, oh no..wait..
Dungarees are due to make a comeback this Spring/Summer and I for one think everybody should invest in a pair!
I bought myself some from COW vintage shop in Sheffield (
and I love them! I havent worn dungarees since the age of 8 and what a dull 12 years its been.

It was a toss up between some dark blue denim Tommy Girl ones or lightblue unbranded ones, I went for the lighter ones for a more summery look.
(I must explain/apologise for all my photos being headless and back shots! - this is because I usually do my blog late at night when I have no make up on and messy hair! but it seems to be the only time I get to do it)

I have planned my entire summer around them! okay abit extreme but I have decided what Im going to wear them with when I go to the beer garden, go to a festival, go to the beach, go dog walking on a summers eve etc. Basically I think they can be adapted to many styles and I definetly will be mix matching them up with boots, sandles, blazers, knits, blouses etc!

Dungarees are my summer staple.fact.

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