Saturday, 19 March 2011

Bleach Blondes

I swear by Lee Stafford Bleack Blonde shampoo.

Im a natural brunette and started highlighting my hair around 4 years ago but last Christmas I went all out and died my hair white! As I had a pixie cut it wasnt too much on the eye or hard to handle until it started to grow out. I noticed with time my whiteness faded and turned a dirty blonde which was not a good look!
My friend told me about this product, saying that it targets only your brassy areas and as Im easily convinced by beauty products and will buy into almost anything (stupid I know) I gave it a shot!

And for once I actually dont regret forking out for a product that claims to work wonders - because it does!
Using it twice a week as given my hair a lease of life! and often I can go a little longer without having to redye it.

If you want to reboost your hair colour I suggest you give it ago X

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