Saturday, 26 March 2011

Granny Chic

Today I read something that really annoyed me; annoyed me not only because it is slating fashion, but making uneducated comments towards two of the most beautiful and styled women of today, I mean come on!

I might be alone on this, but here I see real fashion. Not conforming to any rules but oozing true originality. However the Daily Mail seems to think that these outfits are an example of Mary-Kate dressing too old for her age.

Mary-Kate and Ashley are 24 years young, if they always dressed their age you'll probably make negative comments then! Look at Britney, Paris Hilton and Lilo they've recieved more negative comments than positive on their outfits and why? because they dress suggestively and can get away with it 'because their young'

"Fashion emergency: Mary-Kate's evening outfits are not your typical red carpet attire"
So Glamour, fashion, elegency, feminity and beauty isnt your 'typical red carpet attire? please.

This has clearly been written by someone who lives in a cave and can not even begin to grasp the diversity, originality and fun fashion can offer.

PS/ Im 20 years young and have been preached at many times for dressing in 'granny clothes' or even 'clothes that people have died in' so maybe the rant is because its a little close to home!


  1. Hello,
    thank you for your comment on my blog. I found the images that you asked me about at should visit it.Nice job on your blog.I am following you!

  2. I'm surprised at the comment too! I think celebrities can never win however they dress because someone will always pick apart their outfit and find something to criticize about. I find Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen to be very stylish and they don't dress like other people their age which is why I love them!

    As for your question, I usually get my pictures from We heart it or Tumblr. Or I just google search them. It takes hours for me to find the right image I want but they are my two main sources. Hope it helps! xoxoxoo

  3. I don't know much about them, but judging from this The Daily Mail has NO experience whatsoever with true style. Tavi is 14 years old and she dresses in thrift store granny sweaters. These outfits, while a little off the beaten track, definitely have original style! I would not call them "granny" at all. Anyway, glad to get your comment on my blog, I'm following now! And thanks for linking the article to your surfer friend, I hope I don't look too naive in my surf knowledge compared to a true wave-rider...please dont judge!

  4. @Eliza thanks Ill take a look!

    @fashion cappuccino Same Im glad Im not alone on this one, and thanks Ill take a look

    @Dahl Im happy you agree! haha dont worry youve done a good job!

  5. I agree with Dahl.
    I also wanted to say that you have a very interesting and debatable blog!

    To those who say that she is wearing Granny clothes... -What a lack of subtly. First of all, labeling a style "Granny" is just pure vulgarity. Second of all the clothes that she is wearing may not correspond to the average "young person" but from an authentic style point of view, i'm sure we could all agree that those clothes are very beautiful. Perhaps one could mistake the originality of the clothes for failed innovation or unfashionable novelty, although i cannot say i agree at all with such people. Dahl highlights exactly my train of thought.

    Your friendly Blogger,

    From (my blog)>

  6. Hey baby blogger, Thank you for your commenting on my post - I'm replying here because I find it easier to have a conversation this way !

    I loved reading your 8 random facts and uh... 50 cent, really? Well, to each her own I guess, I'm more of a Johnny Depp person ;)

    Hope you're having a great weekend :)


  7. I love your blog name, great pun! I'm a granny dresser too, am currently in the midst of a post on the phenonmenon. Also...the Daily Fail sucks.
